Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The Desert Autumn

The sunlight was pale today and through the window I noticed that autumn here is related, as a cousin, to the ones I knew in Minnesota. Leaves do change color and it looks chilly outside even if it isn't. There was rain and, tonight, some thunder and lightning as we had our dinner on Thanksgiving Eve.

It is said that you need to live a year in a place to get the full feel of it and our first year in the desert is just about up. I'll give it a rave review. Without doubt, this is the most beautiful area we have ever been in: ever-changing colors on the mountains, green palms against blue sky, red bougainvillae around the house. As the Gershwins asked, "who could ask for anything more?"

Happy Thanksgiving, we've been through worse.


Patty said...

Way to go Mike. Thanks for sharing your blog.

Happy Thanksgiving from chilly Minnesota. (26degrees)

TomD said...

Happy Thanksgiving Mike. I am Mollie M' husband. I have bookmarked your blog and will check it regularly. Also enjoyed your musing on JFK that you emailed.
