Tuesday, February 24, 2009

More on Tonight

I. Why did Jindal begin with "Happy Mardi Gras" and end with "God bless Louisiana and the United States (emphasis added)? No one outside of New Orleans tonight is in a party mood, and shouldn't the country be mentioned first in a prayer for blessing? I wonder if there was a hint of the Old South's state first mentality there.

II. As angry as some of us Democrats may get at cheap shots directed at Barack Obama, he does not play along. Tonight he had a warm and touchy greeting for Sen. Richard Shelby (R. Alabama) who only a few days ago questioned whether or not the President was an American citizen and thus eligible for the office, and later a hug for Joe Lieberman, whose every appearance brings to my mind several unsavory nouns almost never to be used in American public life. Our President has little interest in revenge and punishment; another of his good lessons for us.

An adult and a gentleman, let us learn while we can.

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