Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Senator Franken

Eight months after election day Minnesota finally has its second senator. Al Franken will no doubt bring great style and intelligence to the U.S. Senate and his contributions to the debates of the day will be refreshing and insightful. Norm Coleman can always revert to his old behavior--switching parties when he wants to run for a new office. It's time for a Democrat at the governor's desk and Norm may have it in him to, as Churchill put it, "re-rat."

Anyway, the Democrats now have 60 votes in the Senate and the Republicans can't stop anything by filibuster. The seat that is now Franken's has been held by Hubert Humphrey, Fritz Mondale and Paul Wellstone and Al will be keenly sensitive to their legacies. Had Paul Wellstone not died in that plane crash in 2002 Coleman would not have been in the Senate in the first place.

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