Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Required Immediately: Sane Americans

Mrs. Palin "writes" last weekend that President Obama's health reform plan calls for "death panels" to decide who lives or dies. Two days later she says civility is needed in public discourse. There can no longer be any doubt that this woman is insane or that her condition is getting worse. No doubt either that her madness is symptomatic of a large portion of the Republican Party today (a Republican senator from Georgia (!) called her comments on health care "nuts.") Ignorant people screaming at representatives and U.S. senators, calling Obama a Nazi, and provocatuers on Fox and nut-radio egging them on. What the hell is going on here?

If there is blood it will be on the hands of Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity, O'Reilly, and the Republican leaders unwilling to stand and face the lunacy they helped to grow.

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