Sunday, March 21, 2010


Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Rahm Emanuel, and the rest of the Democratic leadership have done the thing they promised to do--pass a major health care reform bill. When the president signs it into law this measure will stand beside Social Security (1935) and Medicare (1965) as pillars in the more stable house the Democratic Party has long been building for the American people. They never lost focus; Ted Kennedy died in the middle of the fight, and, briefly, even Barack Obama's most dedicated supporters wondered if he could pull the the thing off.

March 21, 2010 is a new birth of power for the Obama presidency. He has traction now that will only become deeper and stronger in coming years; like JFK, he is a president who only needs to learn his lessons once.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Peter Graves

I'm sorry to see that Peter Graves has died. He was an actor I enjoyed for most of my life, beginning in 1950's TV when he did a Saturday morning show about a horse called Fury. As a kid sitting on the living room floor, I thought the show was excellent. Later I learned that he was from my own city--Minneapolis, and had graduated from Washburn High School, where some of my best friends, and two brothers, went. What's not to like about this guy? Just a couple of months ago Peter Graves guest-hosted an hour on the Sinatra station on satellite radio and played his favorite Frank songs. And, of course, his reverse-mortgage commercials are still running on cable.

To all Minneapolitans--and especially Washburn grads--who came to California and did well, a belated St. Patrick's Day toast! Minneapolis Go Bragh!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Dredge Report

During the Lewinsky scandal Bill Clinton called Drudge's mud puddle on the internet the "Dredge Report." Fresh reason for that appeared today. President Obama had a physical exam on Sunday--he is in fine health and was given the usual cautions by his doctor. Dredge chose to highlight the standard advice of moderate drinking by posting a picture of Obama holding a glass of beer with a caption along the lines of, "Doctor tells Obama to moderate his drinking." The Republican slime machine never misses a chance to score a low blow do they? Limbaugh, Beck, Drudge, Palin, the party's supply of Know-Nothings seems to be inexhaustible.

My advice to moderates who my be sick to death of Republican bile and Democratic befuddlement is to listen to music throughout this new month of March, it will heal your minds and souls. This should come to a head on the 17th, St. Patrick's Day. Listen to the Chieftains, the Clancy Brothers, and all the great old songs; have a wee bit of the gargle and propose a toast to moderation in all things.