Glen Beck tells his audience he has not written a detailed talk for his Washington appearance on the Mall because he wishes to leave room for "The Spirit" to speak should he/she/it want to speak through him. This guy's head is going to explode any day now. Sinclair Lewis nailed Beck and all other charlatans in Elmer Gantry many decades ago. So did P.T. Barnum when he said there is a sucker born every minute, one hundred thousand of them came to Beck's tent meeting this weekend.
A new poll in Newsweek shows that over half of Republicans today believe, or think it plausible, that President Obama is a Muslim and desires sharia law to be imposed world-wide. If a fire has a small, contained start it can be beaten out easily with a good broom, but if it is ignored it can destroy the forest and everything in it. The Democrats and however many sane Republicans are left need to grab their brooms now because real madness is on the march in our town.
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