Monday, January 5, 2009

Claiborne Pell, R.I.P.

Tonight C-SPAN showed the funeral of former Senator Claiborne Pell of Rhode Island, who served in the Senate from 1961-1997. Bill Clinton, Ted Kennedy, Joe Biden, and others spoke of the man's life and work. He was that disappearing form, a gentleman. They are melting away like polar ice. Biden told of a meeting of Democratic senators in the 90's who were being advised to run negative campaigns against Republican opponents, this style being the latest succcessful gimmick. Pell said he could not do it, "never speak critically of your adversary in a contest," he said. Old School, yes, but what are the great things about the new one?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Senator never did give me one of his grants. Clearly, I made way too much money at St. Mary's. On the other hand, the 7 grand I borrowed to finance round one of my education is laughable now. How I wish I'd maxed out those loans and invested in Starbucks.