Sunday, January 4, 2009

He's Good Enough, He's Smart Enough . . .

The Minnesota State Canvassing Board will announce on Monday that Al Franken has been elected U.S. Senator--to the Paul Wellstone seat--by 225 votes. Nice number, anything more would have been gauche. The Coleman camp can start a court challenge but I'm predicting here that Norm won't bother with that. He's beaten, exhausted, and thinking of far happier work than being in the forlorn Senate minority while the country falls in love with Barack Obama.

Well done, Al. Keep a picture of Sen. Wellstone on your desk and you can't go wrong.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

and doggon-it, an exceedingly slim majority of Minnesotans like him. I've been a little worried about our old state. This helps.

By the way, I think that he should have run as a comedian. We need more humor in Washington.