Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Sir Paul in the Backyard

The Coachella Music & Arts Festival is a very big deal in these parts and the 10th anniversary was celebrated last weekend. We live less than a mile from the site and when Paul McCartney took the stage Friday night we knew just what to do--head for the chairs on the patio and take in a free concert. The sound carried very well and, bundled in blankets, we sat back and let Paul takes us back to Beatle-land. He finished with Sgt. Pepper's and put The End from Abbey Road ("the love you take is equal to the love you make") on top. I saw the Beatles at Met Stadium in Minneapolis in 1965 and could never have imagined that the next time I would hear Paul McCartney live would be in 2009 in my California backyard. I must say that he and his band were the perfect guests and our welcome mat stays out for them.

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