Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Be Seated and Be Quiet, Bishop

As Catholic bishops continue to shriek and ruin their make-up over Notre Dame's invitation to the President of the U.S. to deliver Sunday's Commencement address it occurred to me today that I would never approach a Catholic priest or bishop for any kind of ethical guidance. And I've been a type of Catholic ever since I was baptized a few months after the end of WWII. I mean, their credibility is shot, for reasons known to all. Today on EWTN--the Catholic channel--some religious fanatic called President Obama a "pro death" President because he favors leaving Roe v. Wade the law of the land. Pro-death? And Bush wasn't? It is preposterous statements like this, and the hapless performance of Benedict XVI that have so many Catholics covering their heads and ducking under the pews as Cold War kids were taught to do. In this case it is reason itself that is being carpet-bombed. And the pilots say they really do love us all! Ha!

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