Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Sonia To Join the Supremes

You have to admire the way Barack Obama plays the game of politics. He has put the Republicans in an impossible place with his nomination of Judge Sotomajor to the Supreme Court. If they go after her in a serious way they will complete the estrangement of Latinos begun by Pete Wilson as governor of California and boot away their votes for generations to come. Without significant Latino support the GOP is on course to become a whites only, Southern, and rural party. No one goes to the White House with a base like that. California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas and other states across the country could be permanently out of reach. The elephant is behind the eight-ball and the side pocket is open.

The evangelicals? Forget it--even they now understand the extent of their delusion in believing that the Republican Party really believed all that sanctimony they peddled during the years of W. It was all a con, as even Karl Rove has said. The GOP belongs to Cheney and Limbaugh right now and they are as religious as a Michael Vick dog fight.

No obits quite yet for the Republican Party, but their congressional leaders are dismally incompetent and they are being outfoxed at every turn by a brilliant Democratic President with the people behind him.
Let them go after Sotomajor and dig their hole a little deeper.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is truly enjoyable to watch the Republicans flail. Part of the genius of the nomination is that Sotomayer does just have enough liberal identity politics in her past to inflame the right-wing hotheads, putting the GOP Senators in a no-win situation.
Still, don't underestimate the ability of the Democrats in Congress to screw it all up for Obama.