This afternoon we got a significant wave from the 7.2 earthquake that hit Baja, it was the strongest shaking I have felt in 13 years in California. I was at the computer and became aware of the desk lamp shaking and some noise from the living room. The shaking kept getting stronger and as it went on for 20 seconds or so I got up to go outside to protect myself from anything that might fall. That's when it stopped.
I felt a little dizzy and sickly for a while but that soon went away.
You talk about a shot across the bow! An Easter Sunday earthquake that has your entire house shaking will get you down to basics very quickly.
What did we do? We ate take-out chicken and turned on the Yankees-Red Sox game.
. . . Now about the pope and the cover-up artists at the Vatican . . . aren't they having their own earthquake these days? The house the high clergy has built will keep on quaking until all the termites and wood-rot are
removed, and this cleaning must not take too long. No doubt many Catholics are feeling dizzy and sickly and are thinking about leaving, but the sooner they make profound and lasting change happen in that house the sooner the illness will go away.
After-shocks continued all afternoon; there was at least one death and many were hurt, but all agreed that it could have been worse. Were we saved?
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