Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Brits Hold An Election

Watch out for Nick Clegg, leader of the Liberal-Democratic Party in the UK, he could be the next Prime Minister. The British Parliamentary election is held on May 6th, the current PM, Mr. Gordon Brown, was willed the job by Tony Blair--no doubt against his better judgment. Clegg leads a smaller third party--conventional wisdom says the Conservatives led by David Cameron should win in a walk, but in the debates between the three candidates held so far Nick Clegg has been excellent, more than a match for the other two. He can be very easily--and pleasantly--pictured as Prime Minister. Brown is done to a crisp, it's between Cameron and Clegg, and if Clegg can convince the voters that he is really Barack Obama he will win.

Next big change--the Vatican, or as Sinead O'Connor calls it, Central Command.

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