Monday, December 15, 2008

Celebrity Sighting & Desert Rain

I just encountered the actor and economics commentator Ben Stein in Barnes & Noble. I was a big fan of his show Win Ben Stein's Money on Comedy Central a few years ago. He was very pleasant and I said that I enjoyed his appearances on TV. It's cold and wet here today and Ben had on his rain gear as he shopped. End of story. This is a very small matter but you would think that after years of living in SoCal I might have some good celebrity-sighting stories. But no; Ben was only my second hit. About five years ago at a red light in LA my sister said to look into the car next to us, and there in full tan sat George Hamilton in a black Mercedes. So that's my lackluster record to date, George waiting for a light to change and Ben Stein in a wet coat. I can't help thinking that Ben and I could have had a nice conversation this afternoon if he hadn't just kept on walking.

1 comment:

troutbirder said...

First time visitor and enjoyed looking thru your blog.