Monday, December 15, 2008

You Heard It Here First

I'm not too afraid of being embarassed so here I let fly with an observation and a prediction: Caroline Kennedy, for many reasons, has decided to make her move. She no doubt will get the appointment to the Senate seat from New York once held by her Uncle Bobby, but I think her goal is much larger: in 2016 she will restore the Presidency stolen from her father in 1963. She hasn't forgotten, and proud daughters of great fathers are dismissed at one's peril.

The Kennedys have always taken over for each other in emergencies--Jack, in 1946, after older brother Joe, Jr. was killed in the war, was elected to the House of Representatives. Teddy in the Senate after Jack was elected President, and Bobby to the Senate after Jack's death. Caroline's brother died nine years ago, Uncle Teddy is seriously ill, and none of her cousins seem interested in this Senate seat. She will get the job and a new chapter shall begin.

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