Friday, December 26, 2008

Days Dwindle Down

The year 2008 is spent, exhausted, wheezing, and otherwise ready to be retired. Today CNN showed a poll that had at least 3/4 of the American people more than eager to see W. and Big Time Cheney take a permanent powder. Their failures are too numerous and well-known to repeat here and there are serious arguments made that several of their orders must be investigated with an eye to future prosecution. Powerful Democrats in Congress are not in the mood for such business and if President Obama needs the full attention of the citizenry in the next few years he could issue a pardon, Jerry Ford style, that would place Bush & Cheney in the Nixon bin for all time.

Must we have disastrous presidents in order to have great ones? Buchanan followed by Lincoln, Hoover by Franklin Roosevelt, W. by Obama? I'm getting ahead of the game here but it is by now clear that we have in President-elect Barack Obama the most promising new leader since JFK took office in 1961. As T. E. Lawrence says to King Faisal in the great Lawrence of Arabia, "time to be great again."

A new year and a new president are at hand and we will all have to do our part, however it appears to us. He can't do the work alone and if he turns out to be as authentic as he seems we will all be ennobled for having been
at his side.

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