Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Rocket Rod

A few minutes ago on the Keith Olbermann show Jonathan Alter of Newsweek said a very shocking thing regarding Rod Blagojevich and his scandal. Alter is a Chicago native and knows how things go down there. He said that the governor has "a couple of loose screws" and that he, Alter, would not be surprised if he began spreading lies about Barack Obama in an effort to"take him down with him." What kind of guy is Blagojevich anyway?


rawb said...

he's a bad guy! obermann implied and also asked his guests if " this gov is a stupid SOB or a crazy SOB?" obviously he's both and if he has a screw left in place and any sense of responsibility in his position (some would call this 'conscience') he would resign immediately.

rawb said...

after reading the Wash Post this a.m., I'm mad as hell at this guy!

Anonymous said...

He sounds like a Serbian, maybe an Illinois version of Radovan Karadic or Slobodan Milosevic. Let's get Richard Holbrooke on the case. Maybe they'll knuckle under before the bombing commences.

Seriously, that's a messed up scene. Fortunately, it makes Alaska look civilized by comparison.